2019 Freightliner Cascadia

Lot Number:10899
End Time:3/26/2024 3:11:51 PM
Bid Count:32
Current High Bidder:323 (Texas)
Starting Bid:$100.00
Bid Increment:$10.00
Current Bid:$750.00
Bidding complete

Accident * 1FUJHHDR7K.......

There are no bids for the lot at this time

No donations for this lot

Auction Preview: By appointment with Sargent's Wrecker during normal business hours 817-596-3566. (Monday thru Friday 8am-5:30pm - closed 12-1pm for lunch)

Auction Ends:  Tuesday, March 26th @ 10am.

Buyer Pickup: By appointment with Sargent's Wrecker before FRIDAY! during normal business hours. (Monday thru Friday 8am-5:30pm - closed 12-1pm for lunch) Please pickup within 3 days. Thanks! 817-596-3566.

3601 FM 51 North
Weatherford, Texas 76086
United States